FAO in Bangladesh
FAO recently organized a study tour to Bangladesh for five Lao PDR government staff to learn Bangladesh’s experiences in “strengthening capacity for mainstreaming nutrition into Agriculture and promoting community-based nutrition-sensitive interventions” from 28 May 2016 - 3 June 2016. All the team members were nominated from the Ministry of Agriculture...
With around 1500 people from the government, senior academics, developments partners - and a large number of primary school students, this year ‘World Milk Day-2016’ was jointly hosted by Food and Agriculture Organization, and Department of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), held at BAU Campus on Saturday 04 June,...
On 31 May 2016, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in association with FAO and with the support of USAID organized the 2nd National Consultation on the Country Investment Plan for the Environment, Forestry and Climate Change at the Carnival Conference Hall, BICC, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. The Country Investment...
With the active participation of  around 60 national stakeholders and 26 International experts from 9 countries, (as well as 5 FAO experts in the fields of statistics and remote sensing), FAO Bangladesh organized a two day international seminar on ‘approaches and Methodologies for crop Monitoring and Production Forecasting’ on 25-26...
Currently, inconsistent and incomplete tree species lists make it difficult to assess biodiversity and the associated ecosystem services, in Bangladesh. Approximately 20% of the tree species identified in previous forest inventories remain inappropriately identified. The common use of vernacular names in species identification presents further issues as these names often...