FAO in Bangladesh

Success stories

Rita Bramma started her journey as a farmer business facilitator with FAO’s Missing Middle Initiative (MMI) project in 2018. The project worked directly with producers’ organizations to reduce poverty and increase access to finance, markets, technology and information for approximately 10 000 smallholder farmer members. Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS), a national network of producers’ organizations, was FAO’s partner in the design and implementation of the project.

Sribash Chandra Das is a farmer from Subarnarchar in Noakhali district, who picked up the trade from his father. In the earlier years, Sribash faced failures and incurred financial losses due to a lack of technical knowledge and numerous logistical difficulties. He had to rely on leased land since he had little to no land of his own. At one point, he was on the verge of giving up on farming and changing his occupation.

Sonia Khatun from Lokkhikhola, Dacope Upazila, shares her remarkable journey in fisheries. Being born into a society where gender roles are strictly defined, Sonia and her sister found themselves engaged in various tasks alongside their father, as they lacked a brother.

In their community, traditional norms dictated that women's economic engagement was limited to government or non-government jobs, leaving little room for exploration in other sectors. However, Sonia refused to conform to these limitations and envisioned a different path for herself and her community.

Mousumi Sarkar is one of the poultry farmers who received training from Upazila Livestock Officer trained by FAO ECTAD programme and made impressive changes in her farming methods. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) takes a comprehensive approach to pesticide management and actively assists countries in implementing best practices through various field projects on sound pesticide management. In line with this strategy, FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) extended an invitation to Bangladeshi officials for the training workshop on the Lifecycle Management of Pesticides at its headquarters in Rome, Italy.