Thursday 31 October 2024
Cooperation Day aims to emphasize the role of cooperation for efficient and effective implementation of the KMGBF and other biodiversity-related objectives. It provides a platform to exchange and learn about ongoing cooperative processes and actions undertaken jointly by governments, stakeholders, international organizations and/or conventions to implement the Framework.
Venue: Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion
Main Partners: EMG, UNEP
Peatland Power: Cultivating Biodiversity, Climate Resilience and Livelihoods
Time: 11:40 (GMT-5)
Venue: Mavecure - Business and Industry Organizations meeting room. Plaza One. Capacity: 86 people
Organizers: FAO | Wetlands International | BMZ | TNC | Synchronicity Earth
Agricultural Support, Biodiversity and Trade: Examining Connections to Repurposing Support
Time: 15:00 (GMT-5)
Venue: Farallones - Youth meeting room. Plaza One. Capacity: 90 people
Organizers: IUCN