Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
Overview of OECD consensus documents
The main focus of the OECDs Working Group on Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology is environmental risk/ safety assessment of transgenic crops. The publication of consensus documents, which typically compile information on the biology of specific crop plant species which is for use in environmental risk/ safety assessment, is a major output of its work. A recent publication entitled "An introduction to the Biosafety Consensus Documents of OECDs Working Group for Harmonisation in Biotechnology", describes the purpose of these documents as well as the process by which they are drafted, reviewed and brought to publication. See or contact [email protected] for more information. The OECDs Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds also publishes consensus documents, complementing those of the Working Group as they deal with issues related to human foods and animal feeds, rather than environmental safety issues.