Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Workshop on alleviating micronutrient malnutrition in Bangladesh - Biofortification
A workshop on "Alleviating micronutrient malnutrition through agriculture in Bangladesh: Biofortification and diversification as long-term, sustainable solutions" was held on 22-24 April 2002 in Gazipur and Dhaka, Bangladesh, organised by the International Food Policy Research Institute, the University of Dhaka and the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur. The workshop, which aimed to improve the dialogue between agriculturists and nutritionists, involved a technical working session and a discussion working session on 22-23 April in Gazipur, followed by a closing session in Dhaka on 24 April. Proceedings of the workshop, edited by N. Roos, H.E. Bouis, N. Hassan and K.A. Kabir, are now available on the web. See or contact [email protected] for more information.