Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
Learning from the past and preparing for the future
As part of the build up to ABDC-10, FAO prepared an extensive set of sector-specific background documents (numbered ABDC-10/3.1 to ABDC-10/7.1), covering the current status and options for biotechnologies in developing countries in crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture and, finally, in food processing and food safety. Each one was organized in two parts, the first part focusing on learning from the past and the second on preparing for the future. At ABDC-10, a series of five parallel sessions were held where, for each one, the sector-specific document was presented, 2-3 people then provided their reflections on the document before the floor was opened for an open discussion. The summary reports of these sessions (as well as all presentations) are available at (Sessions B.1 to B.5). Contact [email protected] for more information.