Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
Cross-sectoral issues
At ABDC-10, twelve parallel sessions were dedicated to cross-sectoral issues, namely development of genomic resources (Session C.1, organized by the CGIAR); molecular breeding (C.2, CGIAR); conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources (C.3, CGIAR); enhancing human capacities (C.4, a double session organized by the ICGEB); ensuring equitable access to technology (C.5, a double session organized by Oxfam International); empowering public participation in decision-making (C.6, a double session organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN); prioritizing the role of the farmer (C.7, FAO with support from the International Federation of Agricultural Producers, IFAP); public-private partnerships (C.8, FAO with support from IFAP); policy coherence at the national/regional level (C.9, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD); biosafety in the context of biosecurity (C.10, FAO Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division); intellectual property rights (C.11, World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO); and non-food uses of plants (C.12, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO). The summary reports of these sessions (as well as all presentations) are available at Contact [email protected] for more information.