Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Genetically improved and alien species for aquaculture in Africa
On 20-23 February 2002, an Expert consultation on biosafety and environmental impact of genetic enhancement and introduction of improved and alien species in Africa was held in Nairobi, Kenya, organised by the WorldFish Center in collaboration with FAO, the Convention on Biological Diversity, Technical Center for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation, World Conservation Union and United Nations Environment Programme. Proceedings of the meeting, edited by M.V. Gupta, D.M. Bartley and B.O. Acosta, are now available entitled "Use of genetically improved and alien species for aquaculture and conservation of aquatic biodiversity in Africa". The proceedings review "the potential and constraints for aquaculture development in Africa, the status and potential for genetic improvement, introductions and risks of introduced improved and alien species, and tools and policies for introductions and movements of improved and alien species". See or contact [email protected] for more information.