Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Legal framework for animal genetic resources management
As part of its Legislative Studies series, FAO has recently published "The legal framework for the management of animal genetic resources", by A. Ingrassia, D. Manzella and E. Martyniuk. Based on information gathered through national surveys and other sources, the 154-page study provides an overview of the main relevant legal instruments at both international and national levels (including e.g. the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety). The regulatory framework of the European Union is presented as an example of an integrated regional legal framework. A general assessment of the status of national regulatory frameworks is given as well as general recommendations for the development of national legislation. The study was jointly coordinated and prepared by FAOs Animal Production Service, Development Law Service and the Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and is a revised and broadened version of the background study paper prepared for the CGRFA in 2004. See (3.66 MB) or contact [email protected] for more information.