Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Safety assessment of foods from GM animals - Meeting report
FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened an expert consultation on the "Safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals" at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from 26 February to 2 March 2007. Its objective was to provide scientific advice to FAO/WHO and their Member States on two sets of questions regarding i) marker and reporter genes and ii) non-heritable applications. The meeting report is now available. See the report or contact [email protected] for more information. (Following definitions provided in the report, marker genes are "used to determine if a piece of DNA has been successfully introduced into the animal cell"; a reporter gene is "a gene that encodes a product that can be readily assayed"; and the term non-heritable applications covers the direct introduction of nucleic acids into non-germ line tissue of animals that will enter the food supply).