Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Biosafety within a biosecurity framework - Consultation report
From 28 February to 3 March 2006, FAO organised an expert consultation on "Biosafety within a biosecurity framework: Contributing to sustainable agriculture and food production" in FAO Headquarters, Rome. Its main purposes were to a) identify and analyse potential safety issues associated with current and future applications of new biotechnologies in various sectors relevant for sustainable agriculture and food production and b) develop recommendations for FAO to appropriately address these, in particular regarding optimal risk analysis approaches. Prior to the consultation, a background paper entitled "FAOs role in biosafety within a biosecurity framework: Scope and relevance of `biosafety` as a contribution to sustainable agriculture and food production" was made available to participants. The report of the consultation, which includes the background paper, is now available on the web. See the report or contact [email protected] for more information.