Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Risk communication manual - GM crops
The FAO Regional project on Capacity Building in Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia (Asian BioNet) has just published a training manual on risk communication. The manual`s intended users are the government, as the science regulator, and scientists and it focuses on communicating the risks associated with the use of genetically modified crops. The 30-page manual is organised into five modules (principles of risk communication; message map; developing the message; communicating risks; use of tri-media in risk communication) and was the main output of a regional training workshop on public awareness and participation, held on 21-25 June 2004 in Manila, the Philippines. See the manual or contact [email protected] for more information. The Asian BioNet project is funded by the government of Japan and is based at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand.