Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
Technology for Agriculture (TECA) website
FAO`s Research and Technology Development Service has just launched a new "Technology for Agriculture" (TECA) website. It aims to improve "access to information and knowledge about available proven technologies in order to enhance their adoption in agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry" as, very often, established technologies are not well documented and experiences of their application are rarely adequately described. The website offers an array of tools including the TECA database currently containing over 500 entries organised in 8 different categories (i.e. 1) production technology - animal production; 2) production technology - crop and horticultural production, grassland; 3) production technology - forest and NTFP (non timber forest products); 4) food and agricultural industries and post harvest (FAIPH) - animal products; 5) FAIPH - crop and horticultural products; 6) FAIPH - forest and NTFP; 7) natural resources management; 8) fishery and fish culture). Biotechnology-related entries can be selected in the database by clicking on `bioteca` in the `Application` field. See (available in English, French and Spanish) or contact [email protected] for more information.