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CGRFA - Report of the 11th Regular Session
The report is now available of the 11th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) that took place at FAO Headquarters, Rome on 11-15 June 2007. The major achievement of the session was the adoption of a ten-year rolling Multi-year Programme of Work on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture, covering all genetic resources of relevance to food and agriculture (see paragraphs 88-94 and Appendix E). Paragraphs 45-49 of the report deal with `Progress on the draft Code of Conduct on Biotechnology, as it relates to genetic resources for food and agriculture` while paragraphs 50-53 cover `Guiding Principles for the development of CGIAR Centres policies to address the possibility of unintentional presence of transgenes in ex situ collections`. See for the report (document CGRFA-11/07/REPORT) in English, with Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish versions to follow, and other Session documents or contact [email protected] for more information. Membership of the CGRFA includes a total of 170 countries and the European Community and its Secretariat is based in FAO Headquarters, Rome. Its next Regular Session takes place in 2009.