Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Micropropagation for sugarcane seed production
A new report on "Micropropagation for quality seed production in sugarcane in Asia and the Pacific", by N.C. Jalaja, D. Neelamathi and T.V. Sreenivasan, is now available on the web. Published by FAO, the AsiaPacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology (APCoAB) and the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), the 46-page report gives a step-by-step protocol for the production of disease-free planting material in sugarcane using the meristem tip culture method. Field multiplication of in-vitro raised plantlets aimed at reducing the farmer-level cost of seedlings is also detailed. Success stories of sugarcane micropropagation for seed production in India, Australia and the Philippines are also described. See (2.2 MB) or contact [email protected] for more information.