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OIE Ad Hoc Group on Biotechnology
The report of the meeting of the OIE Biological Standards Commission (BSC) that took place on 13-15 September 2006 in Paris, France is now available on the web. The BSC is one of the four Specialist Commissions of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the role of the Specialist Commissions is to use current scientific information to study problems of epidemiology and the prevention and control of animal diseases, to develop and revise OIE`s international standards and to address scientific and technical issues raised by Member Countries. A number of Ad Hoc Groups, including one on biotechnology, work under the auspices of the BSC and their reports are included as Appendices to the BSC meeting reports. The OIE Ad Hoc Group on Biotechnology held its first meeting on 3-5 April 2006 in Paris, France and its report is included in this BSC meeting report (pages 19-33). See (562 KB) or contact [email protected] for more information. The OIE is an inter-governmental organisation with 167 Member Countries.