Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Biotechnology, biosafety and the CGIAR
On 22-24 April 2008, a workshop was held in Los Banos, the Philippines, on "Biotechnology, biosafety and the CGIAR: Promoting best practice in science and policy", organised by the Science Council (SC) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the International Rice Research Institute and Bioversity International. It reviewed biotechnology-related work in the CGIAR and partner National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and focused discussion on three major issues: i) How CGIAR Centers can best work with NARS to ensure a smooth and timely delivery of research products to target farmers; ii) CGIAR`s need for a Biotechnology Research Support Network, its roles and functions; and iii) How CGIAR should deal with policy issues related to biotechnology and be represented in international fora. A pre-publication version of the workshop report with a SC commentary is now available. See the document or contact [email protected] for more information.