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Review of FAOs capacity building activities in biosafety
FAO has just published Building biosafety capacities: FAOs experience and outlook, which aims to illustrate the main findings and lessons learned from FAOs past and ongoing biosafety capacity building initiatives, in order to improve future interventions and better shape strategic planning, in line with the Cartagena Protocol and other related international instruments. The 53-page book, by A. Sensi, K. Ghosh, M. Takeuchi and A. Sonnino, presents a brief overview of 26 biosafety capacity building projects, whose total funding amounted to about 7.5 million US dollars, launched by FAO since 2002. They include 18 national projects as well as six that are subregional, regional or interregional and two that are global. Conclusions in the book propose key operational elements for future initiatives to maximize results and fully meet countries` needs. See or contact [email protected] to request a copy, providing your full postal address.