Agricultural Biotechnologies
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FAO e-conference on learning from the past - Summary document
The summary document of the FAO e-mail conference entitled "Learning from the past: Successes and failures with agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries over the last 20 years" has now been published. It provides a summary of the main issues discussed during a moderated e-mail conference, hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum from 8 June to 8 July 2009, based on the messages posted by the participants, 74% of which came from people in developing countries. Participants in the e-mail conference shared a wealth of experiences regarding the use of agricultural biotechnologies across the different food and agricultural sectors in developing countries. They provided concrete examples where agricultural biotechnologies were benefiting smallholders in developing countries. They also discussed several cases where specific applications of agricultural biotechnologies had not succeeded in developing countries and they offered suggestions to increase their success in the future. See or contact [email protected] to request a copy.