Agricultural Biotechnologies
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CGRFA meeting - FAO report on activities of its related priority areas for inter-disciplinary action
The 10th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture takes place on 8-12 November 2004 at FAO Headquarters, Rome. One of the Working Documents prepared for the meeting is a report from FAO providing an overview of the main activities being undertaken in six of FAO`s Priority Areas for Inter-Disciplinary Action (PAIAs) that are most relevant to the work of the Commission: i.e. Biological Diversity; Biotechnology; Organic Agriculture; WTO Multi-lateral Trade Negotiations; Biosecurity; and Ethics in Food and Agriculture. The Commission, an inter-governmental body with its Secretariat located at FAO headquarters, holds Regular Sessions every two years. See Document CGRFA-10/04/10.3, available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish, at or contact [email protected] for more information.