Agricultural Biotechnologies
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FAO project on Capacity Building in Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia - 2004 activities
In 2004, the FAO project on Capacity Building in Biosafety of GM Crops in Asia organised a meeting of project focal points (on 11-12 March in Thailand), a regional training workshop on public awareness and participation (on 21-25 May in the Philippines) and 9 national training workshops (from May to October, in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Viet Nam respectively). Topics of the national workshops depended on the priority need of the country in terms of its biosafety activities and all of the topics taken up were geared towards the development or strengthening of each countrys national biosafety framework. Summaries of the workshops are now available on the web. This FAO project is funded by the government of Japan and is based at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. See or contact FAO for more information.