Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
FAO-BiotechNews 50 and FAO-BiotechNews-Ru
This marks the 50th Update of FAO-BiotechNews, which was first launched in English in January 2002. The Updates have carried almost 500 news and event items relevant to applications of biotechnology in the crop, forestry, animal, fishery and agro-industrial sectors of developing countries, focusing mainly on the activities of FAO, other UN agencies/bodies and the 15 CGIAR research centres. They can be searched in Arabic, Chinese, English, French or Spanish at On this occasion, we are also happy to announce, in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Europe, the launching of FAO-BiotechNews-Ru, the Russian version of this e-mail newsletter. To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject blank and the following one-line text message:subscribe FAO-BiotechNews-Ru-L