Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
Information Network on Post-harvest Operations
The latest newsletter (February 2006) from the Information Network on Post-harvest Operations (INPhO) is now available, providing information on recent publications and decision-making tools that are available on the INPhO website. These include 2 new chapters in the "Compendium on Post-harvest Operations" (on pineapple, in English and Spanish, and grapes) as well as 4 toolkits covering processing of cereals; fruits and vegetables; oilseeds; and roots and tubers. Each toolkit is a practical package that can be used by small and medium scale food processors to establish or improve a food processing enterprise, primarily in developing countries. It includes e.g. information on processing details for fermented cereal doughs, that are traditional staple products in many developing countries, or on use of fermentation in roots and tubers, the most important step during the processing of cassava and high-alkaloid varieties of potato. See or contact [email protected] for more information.