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Regulation of GMOs - FAO e-conference summary document
The summary document of the FAO e-mail conference entitled "Regulating GMOs in developing and transition countries" is now available on the web. The 14-page document provides a summary of the main issues discussed during this moderated e-mail conference hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum from 28 April to 1 June 2003, based on the 93 messages posted, half of which came from people living in developing countries. The main topics discussed were whether it is important for developing countries to regulate GMOs; how strict a regulatory framework should be; the lack of resources and capacity for regulating GMOs; the approach to risk assessment and risk management; regulation of GM versus non-GM products; centres of origin or diversity; co-ordination and harmonization of GMO regulations between and within countries; public participation/awareness; monitoring implementation of GMO regulations; and liability. See or contact [email protected] to request a copy.