Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Manual of seed handling in genebanks
As part of Bioversity International`s Handbooks for Genebanks series, "Manual of seed handling in genebanks` by N.K. Rao, J. Hanson, M.E. Dulloo, K. Ghosh, D. Nowell and M. Larinde has just been published. Publication of the 147-page manual is a joint initiative of Bioversity International, FAO and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), sponsored in part by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The manual, which is accompanied by a self-learning module, is intended for genebank staff, especially technicians who handle orthodox seeds, and attempts to give simple explanations of procedures for the day-to-day management of seed-handing in genebanks. One of the many topics addressed in the manual is seed testing for inadvertent introduction of transgenes. See the manual (in English or French) or contact [email protected] for more information.