Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Edouard Saouma Award 2006-2007
At the biennial FAO Conference, the Edouard Saouma Award is given to a national or regional institution which, in the course of the biennium preceding the Conference, has implemented with particular efficiency a project funded by the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), one of the main instruments through which FAO provides technical assistance directly to its Member countries. On 17 November 2007, the opening day of the 34th Session of the FAO Conference, the Edouard Saouma Award 2006-2007 was given by the FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf to Argentinas Secretariat for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Livestock (SAGPyA) for its work on the TCP project to evaluate post-harvest management of Living Modified Organisms and identification of strategies for implementation of Article 18.2a of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. See a summary of the project (Document C 2007/INF/8, in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish) or contact [email protected] for more information.