Agricultural Biotechnologies
Agricultural Biotechnologies in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry  Biotech-banner
UNCTAD technology and innovation report 2010
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development recently published Technology and innovation report 2010: Enhancing food security in Africa through science, technology and innovation. The 106-page report focuses on ways of improving agricultural performance in Africa and the role that technology and innovation can play in raising the agricultural production and incomes of smallholder farmers and in facilitating access to food for the poorest people both on and off the farm. It is organised in seven chapters, covering respectively key issues in the development of African agriculture; building innovation capabilities in Africa agriculture; agriculture and national food security; challenges and opportunities to achieve food security; transfer and diffusion of agricultural technology; technology mixes for small scale farming (including discussion of various crop biotechnologies); and recommendations. See (1.2 MB) or contact [email protected] for more information.