Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Forest Reproductive Material
In July 2003, FAO`s Forest Resources Development Service released "Forest reproductive material: An overview", written by A.M. Robbins, as part of its Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers series. Forest reproductive material (FRM) or germplasm is a general term for seeds, cuttings, pollen, tissue cultures - any biological matter from which new trees are regenerated. The introduction says the on-line publication could be thought of as "a workshop in which we have provided a tool-rack, showing you the information tools you can use - the jobs they do, the techniques used and where you can find them". It covers themes such as propagation (including micropropagation) of FRM and some key issues (ownership, introduced species, and genetic modification) concerning FRM. The guide will be periodically updated and made available in printed format at a later date. See or contact [email protected] for more information.