Agricultural Biotechnologies
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Biotechnology and the Cartagena Protocol - Implications for cereal trade
The 31st Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Grains and the 42nd Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Rice are being held in a joint meeting on 14-17 May 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey. One of the papers prepared for the meeting is entitled "Biotechnology in crop production and the Biosafety Protocol - Implications for cereal trade", whose aim is to present an overview of modern biotechnology in crop production, with a particular reference to genetically modified organisms, discuss the international instruments of relevance in this area and highlight the challenges and implications for cereal trade. See or contact [email protected] for more information. These Intergovernmental Groups were established by FAO`s Committee on Commodity Problems and their last Sessions were held in 2004.