Agricultural Biotechnologies
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FAO publication on water scarcity and biotechnologies
As part of its Land and Water Discussion Papers series, FAO has just published "Coping with water scarcity: What role for biotechnologies?" by J. Ruane, A. Sonnino, P. Steduto and C. Deane. The publication brings together the background paper and the summary report from a moderated e-mail conference that was organised by FAO as one of its initiatives to mark World Water Day 2007, whose theme was "Coping with water scarcity". The conference`s main focus was on the use of biotechnologies to increase the efficiency of water use in agriculture, while a secondary focus was on two specific water-related applications of micro-organisms, in wastewater treatment and in inoculation of crops and forest trees with mycorrhizal fungi. See or contact [email protected] to request a copy, providing your full postal address.