Сельскохозяйственные биотехнологии
Сельскохозяйственные биотехнологии в сфере сельскохозяйственных культур, лесном хозяйстве, животноводстве, рыбном хозяйстве  и агропромышленном комплексе  
Ex situ conservation of forest genetic diversity
The third volume in a set of three guides to the conservation and management of forest (tree and shrub) genetic resources has just been published on the web, entitled "Forest genetic resources conservation and management: In plantations and genebanks (ex situ)". The 86-page document was prepared as a common effort between FAO, the Danida Forest Tree Seed Centre (now part of Forest and Landscape Denmark, KVL) and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI). It outlines the role of ex situ conservation and reviews some of the strategies that may be employed: the managed development of ex situ populations, as well as storage methods, in the field and in seed banks, for ex situ genetic resources. A wide range of issues are covered, including use of molecular markers or storage of non-orthodox species using cryopreservation, in vitro culture or DNA banks. See http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/publications/pdf/1053.pdf or contact [email protected] for a free copy. The first 2 volumes dealt with the basic principles and with in situ conservation respectively (see http://www.fao.org/forestry/site/16348/en).