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Join Forum

1. How to join the FAO Biotechnology Forum

The Forum hosts a series of focused, time-limited e-mail conferences. To join the Forum, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject blank, and the following one-line text in the body:
subscribe BIOTECH-L firstname lastname

Where firstname and lastname refer to the person's first and last name. For example, if the subscriber's name is John Smith, then the line should be:
subscribe BIOTECH-L John Smith

After registering, members will receive an e-mail message containing the Welcome Text for the Forum. This provides information on the objectives, background and practical aspects of the Forum.

2. How to join an individual email conference

Forum members are NOT automatically subscribed to the individual conferences. For example, if you wish to subscribe to Conference 19 (that takes place from 4 to 24 March 2013), send an e-mail message to [email protected] leaving the subject blank and entering the one-line text message as follows:
subscribe biotech-room3-L firstname lastname

3. How to unsubscribe from an individual email conference

You may leave an individual e-mail conference, while continuing to be a member of the Forum. For example, to unsubscribe from Conference 19, send an e-mail message to [email protected] leaving the subject blank and entering the one-line text message as follows:
signoff biotech-room3-L

4. How to leave the FAO Biotechnology Forum

If you wish to leave the Forum entirely, send an email message to [email protected] leaving the subject blank and including the following one-line message in the body:
signoff biotech-L

For further information on the Forum, contact the Forum Administrator at [email protected]


Page last updated 29 January 2013


