农业生物技术 应用于种植业,林业,畜牧业,渔业和农产品加工业  Biotech-banner




埃塞俄比亚,亚的斯亚贝巴 - 非洲联盟委员会和联合国粮农组织(FAO)敦促非洲各国政府积极利用科学技术和创新,特别是生物技术,来解决非洲大陆面临的粮食不安全和营养不良问题。


马来西亚,吉隆坡 - 联合国粮农组织今天表示,世界上最饥饿和人口最多地区的小农户需要获取更多的生物技术来应对粮食安全和营养问题,战胜贫困。



罗马 - 粮农组织致力于在全球各区域和家庭农民之间开展有关农业生物技术的讨论,以提高认识,建立信任,从而达到某种程度的共识,粮农组织总干事若泽·格拉济阿诺·达席尔瓦今天在农业生物技术国际研讨会闭幕式上说。



罗马 –,粮农组织目前正在主办有关农业生物技术的国际研讨会,充分发挥其中立论坛作用,促进讨论、对话和信息交流,总干事若泽·格拉济阿诺·达席尔瓦今天在会见民间社会代表时指出。


促进消除饥饿和改善粮食系统的工具 - 粮农组织研讨会

罗马 - 必须加倍努力确保特别是发展中国家的家庭农民获得农业生物技术的机会,帮助他们在面对气候变化和人口增长等重大挑战的情况下,提高其生产活动的有效性和可持续性,粮农组织总干事若泽·格拉济阿诺·达席尔瓦今天说。



罗马 - 超过400名科学家和政府、民间社会、私营部门、学术界、农民协会及合作社的代表将参加粮农组织于2016年2月15-17日主办的题为“农业生物技术在可持续粮食系统和营养中的作用”国际研讨会。


FAO survey shows 25 countries blocked imports after finding traces of GMOs.

Rome - The increased production of genetically modified crops around the globe has led to a higher number of incidents of low levels of GMOs being detected in traded food and feed, FAO said today.



罗马 - 粮农组织最新公布的一份出版物呼吁加大国家和国际支持力度,向发展中国家的小生产者传授农业生物技术。这份题为《生物技术促进小农生产:发展中国家作物、牲畜和鱼类的案例研究》的出版物坚称生物技术可以帮助小农改善生计和粮食安全。

©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

Participation of small farmers and producers in decision making process is needed

Guadalajara, México - Agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries should address the specific needs of smallholders and, to do so, should encourage their participation and that of all stakeholders in the decision making process, the participants of an international technical conference held in Guadalajara, Mexico stated today.

©FAO/M. Namundjebo

Mexico conference takes stock of conventional biotechnology applications in food and agriculture

Guadalajara, Mexico - The focus of modern and conventional biotechnologies should be redirected so as to benefit poor farmers in poor countries and not only rich farmers in rich countries, FAO said today.

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FAO publishes study on marker-assisted selection

Rome -The biotechnology tool of marker-assisted selection (MAS) has raised high expectations for increasing genetic progress through breeding. Some experts have even argued that the application of MAS could “revolutionize” the way varieties and breeding stock are developed.

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New FAO publication on agricultural genetic resources.

Rome - Developing countries should be enabled to fully exploit biotechnology tools, when appropriate, in order to stop the decline of agricultural biodiversity and to use their wealth of genetic resources in a sustainable way, according to FAO.

©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri

FAO calls for systematic assessment of genetically modified trees.

Rome - Research and applications of biotechnology in forestry are advancing rapidly, FAO said today.

©FAO/Franco Mattioli

Research being conducted on GM crops and traits more relevant for food security.

Rome - Several developing countries now have well-developed biotechnology programmes; they are approaching the leading edge of biotechnology applications and have significant research capacity, according to a new FAO assessment on the status of research and application of crop biotechnologies in developing countries.

©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri

FAO expert consultation recommends guidelines and methodologies.

Rome - A consultation of experts convened at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), recommended that any responsible deployment of Genetically Modified (GM) crops needs to comprise the whole technology development process, from the pre-release risk assessment, to biosafety considerations and post release monitoring.

©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

Director-General Jacques Diouf outlines his views on use of biotechnology

Rome -- FAO Director-General Dr Jacques Diouf has sent the following letter to NGOs in response to their criticism of FAO's recent State of Food and Agriculture report.

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A new tool to help determine if a genetically modified plant is a weed.

Rome -- New guidelines for determining if a living modified organism (LMO) poses a hazard to plants have been published by FAO.

©FAO/ Jon Spaull

Only a few countries are benefiting so far - food crops of the poor need more attention.

Rome -- Biotechnology holds great promise for agriculture in developing countries, but so far only farmers in a few developing countries are reaping these benefits, FAO said in its annual report 'The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-04', released today.

©FAO/ Jon Spaull

Biotechnology - the gap between poor and rich countries is widening.

Rome -- The promises and potential of biotechnology are not equally shared between developed and developing countries, the FAO Assistant Director-General, Louise Fresco, said in a statement issued today.


©FAO/Alberto Conti

JOHANNESBURG - Countries in Southern Africa whose populations are facing a devastating drought should carefully consider current scientific knowledge before rejecting food aid containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Dr. Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said.

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