Afghanistan diaries

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Afghanistan diaries

Nessar Ahmad Khuram, FAO National Safeguards Officer, shares his experiences from a field mission to Baghlan and Kunduz provinces, where he spoke to farmers and rural residents who have been severely affected by flash flooding events.

Afghanistan diaries

Noor Ahmad Burhani, National Dairy Industry Development Specialist in Herat, shares his experiences from a recent mission to the capital of Ghor province, where a small pocket of “catastrophic” levels of food insecurity has been detected for the first time in the country.

Afghanistan diaries
by Hashim Azizi - 19/04/2022

Hashim Azizi, FAO National Graphic Designer, went on a field mission to eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan to speak to the farmers who benefitted from FAO’s wheat assistance during the winter wheat campaign.

Afghanistan diaries
by Abdul Maroof Kochai - 06/04/2022

Abdul Maroof Kochai, National Livestock Assistant Officer at FAO Jalalabad office, tells the story about how FAO’s support sustained crucial livelihoods in rural areas during a difficult period in the country that is adversely affecting people’s lives.

Afghanistan diaries
by Khalid Besmil - 27/02/2022

Mohammad Khalid Besmil, FAO Livestock Officer in Mazar-e-Sharif, travelled to northern provinces as part of a joint UN mission to ensure the fair distribution of assistance in line with the core humanitarian principles.
