FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Belgium and EU appoint convenor for United Nations Food Systems Summit Dialogues


With preparations for the United Nations Food Systems Summit underway, the European Union and the Government of Belgium have appointed Head of the EU Representation to Slovakia Ladislav Miko and Deputy Minister-President of the Government of Flanders and Flemish Minister of Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture Hilde Crevits as the convenors for the United Nations Food Systems Summit Member State Dialogues.

In the run-up to the summit, a participatory and inclusive process was set in place worldwide, to which Flanders is making an active contribution. The Government of Flanders is putting the food theme at the top of the agenda and launched the Vlaamse Kost campaign, which will feature a society-wide debate on the sustainable development of the food economy in Flanders. The Flemish Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is responsible for organizing the campaign, playing a leading role in ensuring cooperation between all relevant policy domains, levels and stakeholders. This will culminate in a new Flemish Food Strategy and a major Food Summit in 2022.

European Union convenor Ladislav Miko will be organizing an EU Citizen Dialogue taking place from 12 until 13 July which will culminate into a high-level public event organized on 16 July with the participation of EU Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski and Deputy Director-General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety Claire Bury.