FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Global food security in light of the war in Ukraine at heart of discussions in EESC Debate


FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, Vladimir Rakhmanin, contributed to a debate on the impact of the Ukrainian war on global food security.

The event was jointly organized by the European Economic and Social Committee Agriculture, Rural Development (NAT) and External Relations (REX) Sections.

It brought together representatives of EU institutions, civil society and other stakeholders to discuss the impacts of the war on food security worldwide; the actions needed to ensure food security while fostering resilient and sustainable food systems, (i.e. through trade and development policies); and the role civil society can play in ensuring food security both in Europe and beyond.  

The FAO Assistant Director-General set the scene by introducing the impacts of the war in Ukraine on food security in the world. Putting emphasis on the high dependency of many countries on exports from the Russian Federation and Ukraine, Mr Rakhmanin stated “Much uncertainty remains for the coming market year. It is therefore paramount that, together, we support Ukraine’s ability for farming, harvesting and exporting; that we provide humanitarian assistance to those directly affected by the conflict as well as to vulnerable populations affected by food price increases.”

You can find the latest FAO updates related to the war in Ukraine here.