FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Members of the European Parliament discuss responsible antimicrobial use in food production


FAO Chief Veterinarian Keith Sumption was invited to the annual meeting of the Members of European Parliament (MEP) Interest Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, where he presented opportunities for transition to a sustainable model of food production that ensures responsible antimicrobial use.

Sumption joined the session ‘Shaping the global agenda’ during a panel discussion that included MEP Manuela Ripa, AVEC EU Poultry Secretary-General Birthe Steenberg, Trade and Animal Welfare Programme Leader of the Eurogroup for Animals Stephanie Ghislain and the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety’s Head of Unit for Bilateral International Relations Koen Van Dyck. The participants also reflected on the role of the EU in shaping the global agenda and advocated for changes at global level on antimicrobial use and resistance.

Sumption’s intervention highlighted the absence of a level playing field when it comes to health care and disease prevention around the world and the challenges of ensuring animal health in many countries outside the European Union. According to the FAO Chief Veterinarian, biosecurity – the main solution to this challenge – requires considerable investments in infrastructure and intensifying activities.

Referring to the UN Food Systems Summit, Sumption reminded participants that the September event will be a people’s summit, and invited consumers, civil society and private sector actors to take part. He also spoke of advances such as improved labeling, which will give more influence to consumers in choosing products with less use of antimicrobials.

“Food systems, biosecurity and health go together,” said Sumption. The UN Food Systems Summit marks the start of a journey towards producing food that is less compromised by diseases, needs fewer antimicrobials and is more sustainable overall, he said. The FAO Chief Veterinarian pointed out that the EU will have a key role to play in working hand in hand with countries after the Summit, to help them in making investment decisions and implementing this vision at local level.

Wrapping up the event, Sarah Wiener, a Member of the European Parliament and of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition, emphasized the importance of further discussion and reflection on the role of the EU and its global impact,  when it comes to antimicrobial use and One Health issues