FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Transforming European economies and societies for a fair, green and prosperous future


TheRenew Europepolitical group in the European Parliament organized a virtual meeting on the revised regulation concerning Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). The gathering, moderated by Member of the European Parliament Martin Hojsík,focused on accounting systems foreseen in the revised legislation and its proposed carbon sink targets, as well as their social, economic and environmental impacts. The European Commission also took the opportunity to explain how carbon removals from the Carbon Farming Initiative will be introduced into LULUCF accounting systems.   

The revisedlegislation on LULUCF is part of the EU’s newFit for 55climate package. This willplay a key role in thechangesplanned as part of the European Green Deal, which aims to fundamentally transform European economies and societies for a fair, green and prosperous future.  

FAO's Land and Water Specialist andSecretary of the Global Soil Partnership,Ronald Vargas spoke of the importance ofhealthy soils. He explained that these are a key ingredientin efforts to stop biodiversity loss, pollution, land and environmental degradation, water scarcity, climate change, poverty as well as food insecurity and malnutrition.  

Soil is our hidden ally, particularly for climate change,” he said. “It needs to shift from being a carbon source to being a carbon sink.Illustrating the crucial role of farmers in the quest for healthy soils, Vargas said that incentives to supportthese and forest owners in the transition towards healthier soil managementwill be essential.  

You can read more about the Global Soil Partnership here. 
You can find more information at FAO's Soil Portal by clickinghere.