FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

UN Heads meet with next Secretary-General of EEAS


The United Nations Heads in Brussels met with Deputy Secretary-General European External Action Service (EEAS) Stefano Sannino and congratulated him on his appointment as the next Secretary-General of the EEAS. Mr Sannino underlined the strong strategic partnership with the United Nations, both globally and on the ground and underlined the importance of the external dimension of the European Green Deal while acknowledging the UN work on the topic. He also referred to the importance of cooperation on migration, human rights, digitalization, biodiversity, climate change and gender equality. During the meeting, the approval of the Neighbourhood Development International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) was noted, as well as the development of new innovative financing modalities that will allow leveraging resources through a Team Europe approach. The United Nations Brussels Team stressed the UN commitment to the visibility of the strong cooperation with the EU and noted the importance to reemphasize the strategic nature of the partnership and the importance to come together to define and design common initiatives.