FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

What do we want and need from EU forests?


The European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development organized an online event on ‘EU Green Deal Ambitions: What do we want and need from EU forests?’ Participants, including decision makers from EU Member States, European Institutions and forestry scientists including FAO Forestry Manager David Kaimowitz, discussed how Europe’s forests can help to accomplish the multiple ambitions of the European Green Deal.

Kaimowitz took part in the discussion panel “Forests for Green growth and social cohesion”. Building on the keynote presentation delivered by Head of the Bonn Liaison Unit of Forest Europe Thomas Haußmann, Kaimowitz shared some insights on what must be achieved through the Green Deal to make sure that Europe’s forests achieve social cohesion and green growth. He also noted the importance of investments related to forests and forestry which are building long-term human and environmental capital, as well as the need to invest in local grassroots organizations to foster skills development and equip forest communities and stakeholders with the appropriate tools for green growth.

Going forward, the biggest challenges for EU forests will link to global climate change and avoiding future pandemics from zoonotic diseases. The EU’s efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation will be crucial in the efforts to protect the continent’s forests. Echoing points from other panelists, Kaimowitz called for a greater harmonization of all the policy fields that make up the EU’s international presence and footprint on forestry matters.

Other event participants included: Nuno Banza, President of the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests of the Ministry of Agriculture of Portugal; MEP Emma Wiesner and Thomas Haußmann, Head of the Liaison Unit Bonn of Forest Europe.

To access the recording of the webinar please click here. The password to access the recording is FqNSB7tw