FAO in Cambodia

Cambodia promotes water action by all for World Food Day 2023

Guest of honour Secretary of State for the MAFF (2nd from right) enjoys the World Food Day exhibition.©FAO/Pheakdey Chiem

Cambodia joined countries across the globe to promote water action as part of the country's 2023 World Food Day commemoration, which took place in Kouloab commune, Chet Borei district in Kratie province. The commemoration event was held under the global theme, Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One behind.

World Food Day celebrated every year on 16 October, marks the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It is one of the most celebrated days globaly, and every year sees stakeholders across 150 countries, in multiple languages, promoting worldwide awareness of hunger and action for the future of food, people and the planet. The event in Kratie province was therefore part of a global movement aimed at raising awareness  about the importance of managing water wisely as the availability of this precious resource is threatened by rapid population growth, urbanization, economic development, and climate change.

Addressing participants at the event, the Secretary of State from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Yang Saing Koma, emphasized the importance of water to agriculture production, food and income security. He highlighted how the province had sufficient food for the season because of the initiative they had taken to store water for use during the dry season and said the theme of the day aims to inspire people to understand and recognise the indispensable role of water, which is at the core of socio-economic development.

The celebration in Cambodia included exhibitions from groups from various provinces who showcased activities which are being undertaken on agricultural production, nutrition and value addition. It also included speeches and remarks from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Provincial Government, represented by the Governor of Kratie Province, and FAO represented by Towela Munthali Communications Specialist. Farmers were provided with agricultural inputs which included rice, vegetable seeds.

Remarks from FAO acknowledged the pressure which agriculture places on water resources and called for collective action from actors in the agriculture value chain to secure water for present and future generations.

“Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world's freshwater resources – accounting for 70% of consumption. We must transform agrifood systems to be more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable, to effectively address the water scarcity challenge that we are facing,” said Towela Munthali, Communications Specialist for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Cambodia.

The commemoration had participation from over 150 farmers and farmer groups, students, community members, development partners and government officials. It was rounded up with a symbolic tree planting ceremony signifying efforts which need to be made on all levels to safeguard water resources. Farmers at the function were also provided with tree seedlings for planting in their communities. It was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in collaboration with FAO, the World Food Programme and the Korean Project for International Agriculture Centre.