FAO in Cambodia

Life and Nature Project

Impacts of climate change and vision to improve food security and ecosystem, presented by Lvea Kraing Commune Chief of Siem Reap province

Cambodia is one of the countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change in the medium to longer term and is highly vulnerable to climate variability in the short term. Over time, agricultural productivity will be reduced and will negatively impact livelihoods of rural populations if we ignore climate change. The rural poor and the “near poor” will be the most affected as their capacity to adapt to the new environmental constraints is low. This will exacerbate the existing food security challenges and economic hardships. Therefore it is critical to act now to address issues already effecting Cambodia’s rural population and improve their resilience to climate change.

On 17 August 2015, the National Inception Workshop to launch "Life and Nature" project was organized jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Environment (MoE). The project aims to build the adaptive capacity of rural communities and reduce their vulnerability to climate change though micro-watershed management and climate resilient agriculture practices to ensure food security in target areas.

The project, funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF), is a USD 5.2 million grant which will ensure close collaboration among various stakeholders, and at the same time strengthen power and knowledge of the communities and local authorities on sustainable use of resources in four micro-watersheds in the provinces of Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri. This will include integrating climate change adaptation into agricultural and food security policies and planning; participatory watershed management to reduce climate impacts on natural resources and agriculture; demonstrating and promoting climate resilient agricultural practices through farmer field schools, and support alternative livelihood options for women.

"Through the implementation of this project, vulnerable women in my commune will have improved their agricultural and business skills to adapt to climate change", expressed by a female commune councilor from Preah Vihear.


For further information contact:

Dr. Stacy Crevello, Chief Technical Advisor of the Life and Nature Project, FAO Representation in Cambodia

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +855 23 216 566