Beyond Deserts and Highlands - Global Celebration of the International Year of Camelids 2024

Vienna (Austria), 10/06/2024

Camelids, comprising one humped dromedary, double humped Bactrian, llamas, alpacas, vicugna and guanacos play an integral role in sustaining the livelihood of human societies across diverse geographical regions. From the arid deserts where camels have been indispensable companions for centuries to the high-altitude regions where alpacas and llamas have been integral to indigenous communities, camelids contribute significantly to socio-economy by providing milk, meat, fiber, draught and recreation. The United Nations declared 2024 the International Year of Camelids seeking to highlight the role of camelids in global food security, sustainable agriculture, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

The International Event on “Beyond Deserts and Highlands – Global Celebration of the International Year of Camelids 2024” serves as a response to the growing global interest and the need for a collaborative platform that brings together experts, researchers, policymakers, and breeders to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions. The event aligns with the global agenda for promoting biodiversity conservation, given the unique ecological niches that camelids occupy. Recognizing the potential of camelids in sustainable agriculture, ecotourism, and poverty alleviation, the event seeks to foster international collaboration and partnerships that will contribute to the well-being of both camelid-dependent communities and the broader global population.

