Launching of IYC activities in Macusani - Puno

Macusani (Peru), 26/02/2024

In Macusani, located at over 4,300 meters above sea level in the Carabaya province, Puno Region, the activities of the International Year of Camelids, organized by FAO, were inaugurated. With the participation of authorities from the Ministry of Agrarian Development, the General Directorate of Livestock Development of Peru, and the mayor of Carabaya, Edmundo Cáceres, along with hundreds of alpaca breeders, the importance of these species in the Peruvian economy and culture was highlighted. This event marks the commitment to support communities engaged in the breeding of alpacas, vicuñas, and llamas, promoting sustainable practices and biodiversity conservation. Additionally, initiatives were announced to improve the quality of life for over 37 thousand families dependent on alpaca fiber production in the Puno region, including investment projects and the implementation of an alpaca insurance scheme.