National Agricultural, Agroindustrial, Artisanal, Gastronomic and Cultural Fair "Señor de Pampacucho"

Cusco (Peru), 07/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Señor de Pampacucho” fairground in the district of Sicuani, province of Canchis, in the department of Cusco. This year it joins the activities of the International Year of Camelids and takes on greater relevance as it is its 50th Anniversary. Through this event, the participation of alpaca and llama breeders is promoted at the local, regional and national level, providing them with a means to publicize their products and services. Likewise, it seeks to promote healthy competition, strengthening the genetic improvement of alpacas and llamas and reaffirming the knowledge of the breeder and exhibitor. This fair is scheduled in the national calendar of agricultural fairs and events 2024 approved with Ministerial Resolution No. 0012-2024-MIDAGRI.