Shenzhen (China), Hybrid Event, 28/12/2024 - 01/01/2025
This event, organized by Youth Landscape Architecture, Horhar Nature, the Youth Association of International Animal Husbandry Science and Technology (YAIAST), and other organizations, included an exhibition and seminar on biodiversity conservation and harmonious coexistence with nature. It emphasized the concept of humanity and nature as a life community in the context of climate change.
The seminar featured the wild camel (Camelus ferus) and the Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa), a first-class protected animal in China, as core case studies, sharing the profound insights and discoveries of researchers during their tracking and investigation. The conservation story of the Mongolian gazelle is not only an extension of the protection techniques applied to the wild camel but also a profound exploration of how human society can coexist harmoniously with wildlife and share natural spaces.
Additionally, the seminar included a Movers workshop session that combined nature and biodiversity education, aiming to ignite the enthusiasm and participation of the public, especially young people, in biodiversity conservation.