FAO Capacity Development

Organization Analysis and Development

Duration: The course consists of four lessons, each lasting approximately 20 to 30 minutes, for a total of about two hours of self-paced learning.

Overview: Of the three dimensions of capacity development, this course focuses on the organizational dimension. It concerns the analysis and development of organizations in member countries.

Target audience: The course is designed for country actors and FAO staff who prepare, implement, manage and evaluate capacity development interventions, particularly those who are involved in change processes in organizations.

Content: The course looks at the development of organizations from the public and private sectors, civil society, research and community-based organizations.

In particular, the course aims to:

  • sensitize learners to the importance of analysing organizations and how to carry out organizational analysis;
  • provide guidance on how to design and implement organizational change; and
  • illustrate how to monitor progress in organizational development.

The course includes numerous examples of good capacity development practices of organizations, including public, private and civil society.

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