Call for candidatures - Project Team on Water and food security


The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in its 40th Session (October 2013) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), to undertake a study on

Water and food security

Findings of this study will feed into policy discussions at CFS 42 (October 2015).

The CFS request reads as follows: “In the follow-up of major international events such as Rio+20 and the World Water Forum, the HLPE will further explore the Water and food security issue. Water has an important role in food security through its multiple impacts on: health and nutrition (drinking water, cooking water, sanitary aspect/diseases), on agricultural production (access to water, water management, improvement of irrigation and dryland agriculture) and on food processing (water management, quality of water…). This topic should be seen in the wider context of the nexus between water, soil, energy and food security which is recognised as a pillar of inclusive growth and sustainable development. The HLPE report could put together information on how countries and regions are addressing the management of this important resource.

Through a food security lens, the HLPE will focus its analysis on water for agricultural production and food processing, taking also into account gender-related aspects. More specifically, the HLPE could, from a food security perspective, assess the impacts of water management practices on food security, including water usage for agricultural production, food processing and other ways of consumption. It should also consider in particular issues related to the sustainability of irrigation systems, the salinization of agricultural land and the reduction of the quality of the ground water. On this basis, it will give appropriate recommendations so as to improve water and food security policies, as well as coordination among the different fields and actors at all levels, with a long-term perspective.”

(ref. CFS 2013/40/9 Rev.1, par. 51, 52)

The HLPE is now calling for motivated experts in order to form the Project Team that will prepare the report on Water and Food Security.

For this study the HLPE seeks a range of expertise and disciplines bringing together broad perspectives on the issue of water and food security, - including the technical, economic, institutional, and social dimensions of policy and practice.

To apply, please download here and fill the form.
The application form must be accompanied by a CV for the nomination to be considered complete.

Please send the documents to: [email protected] before 10th December 2013.

The Project Team will be selected by the HLPE Steering Committee and will work from January 2014 until mid-March 2015, under the Oversight of the Steering Committee of the HLPE.

See for any documents regarding the HLPE, and the process for elaboration of reports, including the internal procedures and methodological guidelines.

Many thanks for your interest.

The Secrectariat, on behalf of the Steering Committee of the HLPE.