Critical and Emerging Issues Open Inquiry - Extended until 2 December 2016!


The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), is launching, at the request of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) a study on critical and emerging issues in the area of food security and nutrition, to inform the work of the CFS.

This work is in line with one of the key functions of the HLPE, science-policy interface of the CFS, which is to “identify emerging issues, and help members prioritize future actions and attentions on key focal areas”.

By definition, emerging issues are challenging to identify. This is why the HLPE seeks to involve very largely the scientific and knowledge community by requesting this community, in its wide diversity, to provide documented inputs on those issues which are considered critical and emerging for food security and nutrition.

The methodology which the HLPE will follow to produce its report to CFS is described in the following

to be filled. You can suggest and document any issue you might find worthwhile to be presented, up to 10 in total. Kindly use one separate form for each issue. Please return the forms in word format by e-mail to cfs-hlpe [at] by 2 December 2016.

As part of this process, and unless you request otherwise, your contributions (forms) would be published as such in the proceedings of the inputs received by the HLPE.

Critical and emerging issues for FSN are serious issues for the international and intergovernmental community at CFS.

The HLPE thanks you warmly for your contribution.