HLPE Project Team #14 - Kick-off meeting


The High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security - CFS is meeting at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) this week from 15 to 18 May to work on the forthcoming HLPE report on “Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition". This report will inform CFS debates during its 46th Plenary session in October 2019.

The HLPE Project team in charge of the elaboration of the report is led by Fergus Sinclair (ICRAF), and comprises Mary Ann Augustin (Australia), Rachel Bezner-Kerr (Canada), Dilfuza Egamberdieva (Uzbekistan), Abiodun Oluwole Fatunbi (Nigeria), Barbara Gemmill Herren (USA, Switzerland), Abid Hussain (Pakistan), Florence Mtambanengwe (Zimbabwe), André Rodrigues Gonçalves (Brazil), Alexander Wezel (Germany). Read their short bios here!

The Project Team will work under the guidance of the HLPE Steering Committee represented in the meeting by Paul Mapfumo (Zimbabwe).

More info on the study can be found at the process and docs page for this report.